Saturday, April 7, 2012

A significant stroll

I could not be happier to know that Mr.Darcy's feelings for me have not vanished! As we took a walk in the garden today, I decided to be courageous and discuss my gratitude for him concerning the matter with Lydia; we continued to talk, and he asked me once again if my feelings towards him were the same as they were last April. I could not deny the fact that his improved character has made a strong impression on me and that my feelings for him are tremendous, and I was glad to finally reveal this to him. He added that Lady Catherine did find him in London and told him what had passed between her and I, which made him hope that I had had a change of heart. However, despite what joy this walk with Mr. Darcy has brought me, I fear that my family will not be understanding to my feelings for him and will attempt to persuade me against my desires. 


  1. My dear I am so glad that you have finally come to terms with how I see you. We are now both in love with each other. I see this marriage being very successful. My only regret is that you did not see my way before.

  2. At first, I was hesitant to permit my daughter to marry you, but, after she told me of your righteous actions regarding Lydia and Wickham, my thoughts changed. I now realize how honored I would be to accept you into my family.
