Saturday, April 7, 2012

Unexpected visitor to Longbourn

Early this morning, my family and I saw a carriage approaching through the window, and we were perplexed as to who could be visiting at such an hour; additionally, the carriage was quite unfamiliar. However, Lady Catherine soon stepped through the door, and I do not think I have ever been more surprised in my entire life. She was no less arrogant and rude than the last time I saw her, and she asked me to take a walk with her in the lawn; I wondered what she had to say that was urgent enough for her to travel all the way to Longbourn. Lady Catherine began asking me about Mr. Darcy and if I was to be engaged to him very soon, pointing out aspects of my character and my life which would prove to be detrimental to our marriage; I could be civil with her no longer. I refused to promise her that I would not marry Mr. Darcy, and I made it clear that her opinions and the opinions of those who are not a significant part of my life do not matter; I just worry that her schemes to convince Mr. Darcy against marrying me will be more successful. 

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