Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mr. Darcy's unscheduled visit

Charlotte argues that Mr. Darcy's visit was certainly because he is in love with me, but I cannot allow myself to believe such nonsense. However, it does strike me as quite odd that he was to visit while no one else was home, but he claims to have been unaware of the others' absence. I do wish he talked more though, for the continuous silences during our conversations do get most awkward. I constantly have to ponder new topics to discuss, and I despise it; I do not enjoy the man's presence and the arrogance which accompanies it whatsoever. Why Mr. Darcy did not just leave immediately after arriving, I am unsure, but I am positive that he does not have any romantic feelings for me as Charlotte firmly believes. 

1 comment:

  1. My beloved sister, please do not let your thoughts fool your heart. If you feel an attachment towards Mr Darcey, do speak of it. You never know if destiny will lay out your path of happiness once and for all. If that were not the case, then there will be no wonderings of what could have happened.
