Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jane's reaction to the news

I was finally privileged with the opportunity to tell Jane all that I had discovered regarding Mr. Darcy's feelings for me, and I was happy to see that for the most part, we were in agreement. She did not blame me for refusing him, but she felt sorry for the amount of disappointment he must be having to cope with. Jane's continuous thoughts and actions of pure kindness and utter compassion never fail to amaze me, and I wonder how we are so close yet hold opinions of others and of the world in a completely different perspective. Anyway, as I proceeded to tell her the contents of the letter, Jane refused to believe that such malicious, cruel people existed on this planet. Numerous excuses were formed on Wickham's behalf as to why he may have behaved in such a manner; nevertheless, we were both fully aware that his actions could not be justified.

1 comment:

  1. Your sister is too kindhearted to accept that Wickham is not a good man! This is okay I guess, for atleast she is not malicious! We all should have listened to Darcy before this because he always had a dislike for the man, but he was always ignored! This will teach you guys to pay attention to his ideas and perspectives!
