Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why Mr. Bingley REALLY stopped contact with Jane...

If Mr. Darcy's behavior towards me was not enough of an excuse to form a dislike for him, I am sure that the information Colonel Fitzwilliam just provided is adequate proof to find the man most disagreeable. He told me that Mr. Darcy feels as if he has done a noble act of kindness by interfering with one of his friend's marriages, for there are "some very strong objections against the lady." One of good sense and a credible mind would never object to Jane; she is wise, compassionate, and altruistic, and she would suit Bingley perfectly. It infuriates me to think that Mr. Darcy was the one to destroy the prospective happiness they would have had together, that he justifies his malicious, prideful actions to the well-being of his beloved friend. Mr. Bingley is experienced and old enough as to be capable of making his own decisions, and the fact that Mr. Darcy so easily convinced him against marrying Jane is absolutely aggravating. 

1 comment:

  1. You seem angered by Darcy helping me out! Many people seem to think the way you do, actually. To the contrary, I believe that he was just trying to help his best friend swerve away from what was destined to be an imprudent marriage! I value his opinion and his outspoken-ness! If I did not have someone to talk me out of the marriage, then I may have been stuck in it forever! I wish you would not disrespect my best buddy so much, for he was only trying to help me!
