Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mr. Darcy loves ME?!

I do not think I have ever been more astonished or perplexed in my entire lifetime. Mr. Darcy just poured out his feelings for me, and he even asked me to marry him! The fact that he is attracted to me only confuses me of his character even more; since the first day I met him, he has only behaved rudely to my family and I, and he acts as if his wealth and social status justify his doing so. However, despite my dislike of him, I cannot help but feel flattered that he has felt this way for a matter of time; nevertheless, no amount of persuasion could alter my refusal to his proposal. The conceit and selfishness he portrays on a daily basis and the countless times he has offended me simply cannot be ignored because he has a sudden desire to be charming and confess to me the yearnings of his heart. 

1 comment:

  1. I can not for the entire world comprehend why you would refuse a proposal such as mine. I expressed my feelings to you in the only manner i saw fit. what i expressed was also all true that i can't help liking you so why don't you like me? You will never get a better offer then me, and i hope you will come to regret your decision.
